From Zero to Triangle : [Introduction]

From Zero to Triangle : [Introduction]

Hey everyone, I am starting my journey of learning OpenGL where my first project will be getting a triangle on the screen and I want you all to be a part of it. I am stoked for the upcoming days where we further explore the topics and features OpenGL has to offer us.

My particular interest in learning OpenGL started from the day I came across the games that are featuring concepts like Procedural Generation of terrain and cool Shaders implementation for water and sky.

The main inspiration for me was "Sea of Thieves". In my opinion the amalgamation of Art and Computer Science can be successfully achieved with the help of the Shader Programming, driving the aim of this blog series.

I would like to share some of the Shader magic with you all.

Sea of thieves :

Valheim :

The list of examples is endless.

However, the complexity of these examples surpasses our current skill level. To reach that level, we must first master the basics.

So, I'm here to document my journey and provide guidance to anyone interested in venturing into this exciting field. Together, let's explore the fundamentals and pave the way to unlocking the incredible potential of OpenGL.

If anyone is trying to follow along they must have prior knowledge of C++ and Basic Mathematics [Trigonometry, Geometry and Linear Algebra].

Reference and Credit:

Valheim Screenshot: Photographer: [Stefans02] Source.

Sea of Thieves Screenshot: Photographer: [Kordite] Source.

LearnOpenGL: Reference:

Note: All images used in this blog post are sourced from Flickr and credited accordingly. has been referenced for educational content.